I’m so excited to be participating in this blog hop with so many other wonderful bloggers! Thanks to Erlene from My Pinterventures for inviting me to join in on the fun! I cannot wait to sit back and take a look at all of the Christmas ornaments that this talented group of ladies made. My partner for this challenge is Jelica from A Pretty Fix. Jelica is a Canadian blogger, and she has a great sense of style. Her style is streamlined, classy, and clutter free- at least this is the sense I get from perusing her blog. I was able to look at her Christmas decor from last year, and she used a lot of golds and whites on her tree. She told me that she plans on sticking with that color scheme again this year, so I knew I needed to make something for her that would fit right in on her tree. I decided to make her a pom-pom snowball ornament, and I love the way it turned out so much I am considering making some for myself!

It’s soft, it’s fluffy, it’s fun, and it is white! I think it looks like a snowball, don’t you? I think it is just so pretty, and something that wouldn’t take too long to whip out a dozen or so of them. It cost me less than $7 to make this ornament, so I thought that was pretty affordable too! What do you think of my DIY pom pom snowball ornament? Do you think this is something you could easily make yourself? Some round snowball ornament like this would also be really pretty as a bowl filler sitting on a table.
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Do you have champagne taste and a tiny budget like me? Love fashion, DIY, crafting, all things vintage and thrifty? Stick with me, I’ve got you covered!
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