My daughter and I went Christmas shopping to Pittsburgh on Saturday. We made what was supposed to be a quick stop, and turned out to be a not so quick stop, at the Tanger Outlets, then we went to the Robinson area, had lunch, went to Home Goods, and to Robinson Town Center. Did I mention we went to Home Goods? LOVE!! We don’t have one around these parts, so I drool when I get to go someplace that has one. I actually planned the whole day around it! We were going to go to South Hills Mall, and then I looked it up and found out where a Home Goods was, and our whole day of plans changed. I thought I would show you some of the things we bought, but not all. Some of them were gifts for my daughter. If you read yesterday’s post, I left off with these:
(If not, click here)

My son, Coleton, went to his winter formal last night. It was his first time wearing a tie that he actually tied himself. I think he looked like a handsome little devil, his date was one lucky girl! I just have to brag a little and share a picture with you! I wanted him to wear his brown dress shoes, but he insisted on wearing these. He said “mom, all the boys are wearing them”. Whatever! It was not a battle I wanted to take on tonight. When he got home he said he was the start of the show at the dance for just a few minutes when he did the worm! Doesn’t he look thrilled for me to be taking his picture?

I really like the pine cone garland on the chandelier. I will, or course, ask you tomorrow what you're giving Jason for Christmas! 🙂