I have never considered myself to be all that crafty. Well, not that good at being crafty. But I see so many super cute things around blogland, that I just want to try to make them myself. I keep seeing so many adorable banners, or garland, or bunting, or I guess whatever you want to call them. And I decided to try my hand at making one.
I did not want to go out and buy anything, so I just used what I had around here. I do not have a ginormous supply of crafting materials lying around my house like some bloggers do. I am new at this! So I made a St. Patrick’s Day banner that reverses to turn into a spring banner. Nifty idea, right? Well, in the spirit of keeping it real here, I am not all that thrilled with it. But guess what, I worked on it for quite a while, so I am going to show it to you anyway! It really is cute, but the colors are just not bright enough I guess. It does not POP like I wish it did, that is the problem with it. It looks better in person than it does in photographs, actually. And I am not the best photographer in the world either, although I am working on that. And these pictures are kinid of shoddy because I left my good camera at work for a week or so.
Well, that is my spring banner. Not in love with it, but not an epic fail either. Just so so. But hey, can’t I have an A for effort here? Come on!
I want to take a minute before I end this post to wish my son Coleton a happy 13th birthday today! This is a picture of him doing what he does best, running. This is his passion, and I am so glad he figured it out. I could not be more proud to be his mother and could not love him more. He has had a rough life with having an absent father (you can read more about that here), and all I want for him is happiness. Of my three children, he challenges me the most, but I am so thankful for him because he makes me a better mother and a better human being. Happy birthday Coleton! You are finally a teenager! I hope you have an awesome birthday weekend with your friends!

This is adorable! Love the little flowers!
Jenna @ http://rainonatinroof.com
Thanks you Jenna! It actually looks a lot brighter in person. It did not photo well.