In case any of you regular readers of mine are wondering where my What I Wore Wednesday posts have been for the past couple of Wednesdays, I had to cancel because of the weather. That’s right! When I am snowed in and have been off work for most of the month, I am not wearing much other than yoga pants and PJ’s. Sorry to disappoint you, but I am just not much for getting all dolled up to sit at home! Instead I have been working on projects around here, and looking pretty darn ugly, and you don’t want to see those pictures, trust me!
Today, I am over on JOYful Home and Life sharing this sweet Valentine’s Day Mirror that I made. The full tutorial is over there, so I would love for you to click on over and check it out!
On a side note, LC broke his hand yesterday during his cross fit class. So although there was finally school today, I am at home with him. We are on our way to see an orthopedist to find out whether he needs surgery and to have a cast put on. Poor guy needs a little help right now. Send some good vibes his way!
Link Parties:
Savvy Southern Style
Work it Wednesday
Inspire Me Please
The Shabby Nest
Funky Junk Interiors
DIY Showoff
DIY Sunday Showcase
Monday Funday
Between Naps on the Porch
The Dedicated House
Give me the Goods
Project Inspired
Thrifty Decor Chick
Coastal charm
Cozy Little House
A Stroll Through Life
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