Today’s post wraps up the last Best of 2014 post. Wow, what a year it was! We fell in love with a Swedish girl, my oldest went off to college and independence, my middle one started high school, and my youngest began first grade. It has been a year full of musical theater and singing, happiness, sadness, good times, fashion, love, loss, hard goodbyes, memories, soccer, DIY projects, track and field/cross country, weather, and the beginning of big changes. LC gave up meteorology as a profession to take on a new adventure (and we gained an evening husband and father), I saw my blog start to grow, and I adjusted (and still am) to daily life without my daughter. Sadly, we both said goodbye to dear grandmothers and dear friends. Most of 2014 was unforgettable in wonderful ways, some in heart wrenching ways. But when all is said and done, I trust that this was the year that God meant for each one of us, and I wouldn’t change it for the world!
I hope you enjoy my Favorites of 2014. I am a visual person. I am inspired by everything I see around me. I want to create beauty, peace, and organization in my life. I love to look back at my monthly favorites for inspiration and resources. I hope that you will find inspiration and/or resources in them as well. Click the month under each image to read the full post. Enjoy!
I have all of my favorites on one nifty Pinterest Board, and I would love for you to follow it! Please don’t forget to mention to me in the comments any favorite things you found! I love to see what you love too, and I read every comment!
What am I up to in the year to come? Well, I am currently making plans! And I have actually already started on my first project. It’s a mid century mod stereo cabinet, with a record player and radio inside. I can’t wait to show it to you! And I will be back soon with my DIY goals for 2015.
This is where I party:
Totally Terrific Tuesday
Wow us Wednesdays
Weekend Retreat Link Party// Remodelaholic// Freedom Fridays// Craft Frenzy Friday//
Frugal Friday// Pretty Pintastic Party
Found and Foraged
DIY Sunday Showcase
Much Ado About Monday// Amaze Me Monday// Clever Chicks// Motivational Monday
Inspiration Monday
Project Inspired
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