Hey friends! I hope all of you mothers out there had a wonderful and restful Mothers Day! We had a nice brunch and then we had friends over for dinner yesterday evening, so it was a nice day. I was missing my daughter though, who was in New Jersey. We have plans to spend … [Read more...]
Small Dining Room Changes
It’s been awhile since I have taken any pictures in my dining room, but I have made a couple of small changes, so I took some photos of these changes and thought you might like to see them! I am really enjoying my new camera! The first change is the canvas I bought … [Read more...]
What We Have Changed in 2 Years
As of June 30th, we have been living here for two years. The time has flown by, and although we have been very busy around here making this home ours, we still have much work to do! In case you are new around here, we moved here because we wanted to be in a more … [Read more...]
Dining Room Buffet–Organization
Can you believe we have had 19 snow days this winter? I can’t remember a year we have had that many in a long time. I have used several of these days to do projects around my home that have been on my to do list, and organizing closet and other areas. We have this buffet in … [Read more...]
My Vintage Buffet- A Plea for Help
How are you on this Monday? We are having one of the worst winters we have had in years here in West Virginia, and I have to say, a few snow days were just fine, but we didn’t have school at all last week, and it snowed more over the weekend, so we are going stir crazy … [Read more...]
Dining Room/Office Progress- Shelving
Today, I want to share a little progress in our dining room that has made such a big difference. If you are a regular around here, you may already know that our dining room serves double duty as a home office. We don’t have a lot of extra space in our home, so we had to carve … [Read more...]
My Fall Buffet- And Some Good News To Share!
In my old house, my favorite place to decorate for the seasons was my fireplace mantel. But, I don’t have a fireplace mantel, this is what I have instead. It’s not pretty. I have big plans to change all of that, but not a big budget, so it is sitting there … [Read more...]
What We Have Changed In One Year
As of June 30th, we have been living here for one year. The past year has flown by, and although we have been very busy around here making this home ours, we still have much work to do! In case you are new around here, we moved here because we wanted to be in a more … [Read more...]