Hey friends! I can't believe that it is already week five of the One Room Challenge! In case you missed it, I am participating in the One Room Challenge for the first time, and I am renovating our kids-guest bathroom. I have 6 weeks to complete the room, and at this point I … [Read more...]
One Room Challenge Week Four- New Paint Color
Hey friends! I can't believe that it is already week four of the One Room Challenge! In case you missed it, I am participating in the One Room Challenge for the first time, and I am renovating our kids-guest bathroom. I have 6 weeks to complete the room, and it's more than … [Read more...]
One Room Challenge- Week Three
Hey friends! In case you missed it, I am participating in the One Room Challenge for the first time, and I am renovating our kids/guest bathroom in 6 weeks. This is week three, and if you want to start reading this at the beginning you can catch week one here, and week two … [Read more...]
One Room Challenge- Week Two
Hey friends! In case you missed it, last week, I made a last minute decision to join the One Room Challenge and renovate this bathroom in 6 weeks. You can read all about week one right here. And if you are new to Sweet Parrish Place, welcome, I am so happy you are here! I … [Read more...]
One Room Challenge- Week One
GAAAAAAHHH! You guys, I am equally parts super excited and terrified at this very moment! Because as of today, I am joining the One Room Challenge- affectionately referred to in blog land as ORC. I'm kind of shaking in my boots just writing this post for you today, and here's … [Read more...]