If you have been reading my blog regularly, you already know that we have been hosting a foreign exchange student from Sweden since last August. Today is her last day with us. Tomorrow we take her to the airport. We love her and are very sad right now. I … [Read more...]
A Charming Local Home
I have a dear friend who has this charming house under contract right now. I looked at the pictures of it, and just had to share this house with all of you! It is just so full of charm and character. I really hope that it works out for them to close on this … [Read more...]
My Second Home Tour- Have A Little Faith
Last weekend I traveled up to the Pittsburgh area to the home one one of my best friends, Christine Faith. It was her daughter, Charly's, 1st birthday party! They had a big celebration! Chris and I have been friends since high school. That is a long time! … [Read more...]
Our Old House
I thought it would be fun to show you what our old house looked like. I had this house built for me and my two kids after I went through a horrible divorce. We lived in an old house that was set on almost 10 acres, and after the divorce, there was just no way possible … [Read more...]
Churches Converted Into Homes
Recently a very dear friend, who is a faithful supporter of my blog, sent me several links to some old churches that were converted into homes. Well, I immediately began clicking away! I love looking at all the pictures! I thought it would be a great idea for a blog post! And … [Read more...]
Let’s Tour A Home
Last week, the Williams family were kind enough to welcome me to tour their home. I was so excited to tour my first home for what I hope will become a regular feature on my blog called Let’s Tour A Home. And the William’s lovely home was a perfect place to … [Read more...]
Let’s Tour the Wilson Kitchen
I am excited today for two reasons. The first reason is that my kitchen cabinets are dunzo! The only thing left to do is put on the hardware and rehang. I am impatiently waiting for sleepy head to join the land of the awakened and get to work! I also got … [Read more...]
Let’s Tour A Home!
I want to tell you about one of the main things I want to do with this blog, and a big reason why I started it. I want to include other people in the community in my blog in a very big way! How many of you love to go driving around looking at houses? It has always been one … [Read more...]