Hey friends! I have some fun things to share with you today, but before I do I want to take a moment to remember all of the soldiers who have served, but most importantly those who gave their all – their lives – for the freedom we all have today. There is no greater sacrifice, … [Read more...]
What I’m Loving
Hey friends! How was your weekend? Winter made a reappearance for us over the weekend. We had plans to do some planting and start the huge task of cleaning out our garage on Saturday, but we weren't able to do any of that. I hope you were enjoying Spring weather wherever you … [Read more...]
What I’m Loving
Hey friends! How was your weekend? Ours was great, we went to a WVU basketball game and had a family day, and then I spent Sunday taking down my winter decor, and trying to decorate for Spring. I'm not finished yet, but I got a pretty good start. It's time for another What … [Read more...]
What I’m Loving
Hey friends! I wish we could meet for coffee or tea. I have a favorite local place (Almost Heaven Desserts) that has fabulous desserts and hot drinks, and it is a place where I like to sit and chat with friends and catch up what happening in each others lives, or just … [Read more...]
What I’m Loving #6
Last week was one crazy busy week, I don't remember ever having so much on my plate in just 7 short days before. As if working full time isn't enough, add in Mr. 7 Year Old's Choir practice, Mr. 15 Year old's cross country practice, plus a meet every Saturday (that usually … [Read more...]
What I’m Loving Right Now #5
This post should have been out yesterday morning, but it was a crazy busy weekend. Friday was my birthday, did I tell you that? We celebrated by going to dinner with a friend and her husband (thanks Steph!), and then we celebrated again with my parents and the kids on Sunday … [Read more...]
What I’m Loving Right Now #4
Another busy weekend is in the past, and Monday is upon us! We spent Saturday at the Indian Run Invitational here in Bridgeport, watching our son and about 1000 other middle and high school students run, and volunteering at the meet. Mr. 15 Year Old came in 26th place with a … [Read more...]
What I’m Loving Today #3
We had a very busy weekend moving my daughter into her new apartment with all new roommates to start her sophomore year of college. She is living with three boys this year! That can be both good and bad. The boys seem like nice kids. One of them is from Africa, one from … [Read more...]