Hey friends! I’ve been a little absent from the blog this past week because my husband was traveling for work, and it just happened to be one of the busiest weeks ever. From track to the children’s chorus Mr. 8 Year Old is in, this past week began the culmination of it all with … [Read more...]
My 20 Favorite Spring Fashion Trends
Hey friends! I'm back from a little blogging break that I took over my Spring Break. Before the break, I had been running myself ragged, and it felt really good to unplug for a bit, and just be. I am feeling refreshed, and I am so excited today to share my Spring Fashion post … [Read more...]
What I Wore Wednesday
Wow! I can’t believe it is the last Wednesday in May already! Welcome to my What I Wore Wednesday post! I have been linking up to the Pleated Poppy every Wednesday for several weeks now with my outfits I have worn over that past week! If you are looking for some … [Read more...]
What I Wore Wednesday
Welcome back for What I Wore Wednesday! I am linking up to the Pleated Poppy every Wednesday with what I have been wearing during the course of the week. There are lots of lovely ladies doing it too! I love clothes, so I am having fun and being inspired by this fabulous link … [Read more...]
What I Wore Wednesday
Welcome to my what I wore Wednesday post! Last week, after my WIWW post, I shared the fact that I finally fully transtitioned my closet from winter to summer, and then guess what happened? The weather turned chilly again! Why oh why did I pack every single long sleeve T-shirt … [Read more...]
What I Wore Wednesday
Welcome to another What I Wore Wednesday post, I am linking up with The Pleated Poppy again this week to show you what I have worn lately. Again, super fun! Over the weekend, I finally got my closet fully transitioned from winter to summer. I feel like I have a whole new … [Read more...]