Hey friends! I’ve been a little absent from the blog this past week because my husband was traveling for work, and it just happened to be one of the busiest weeks ever. From track to the children’s chorus Mr. 8 Year Old is in, this past week began the culmination of it all with … [Read more...]
My 20 Favorite Spring Fashion Trends
Hey friends! I'm back from a little blogging break that I took over my Spring Break. Before the break, I had been running myself ragged, and it felt really good to unplug for a bit, and just be. I am feeling refreshed, and I am so excited today to share my Spring Fashion post … [Read more...]
16 Spring Fashion Must Haves
Wow! This post took me a long time to write! Making collages takes time people. But Spring is my favorite season of the year, and this is my first Spring fashion post that I have written, so I am super excited! I absolutely love everything about Spring, don't you? After … [Read more...]