Welcome back for What I Wore Wednesday! I am linking up to the Pleated Poppy every Wednesday with what I have been wearing during the course of the week. There are lots of lovely ladies doing it too! I love clothes, so I am having fun and being inspired by this fabulous link … [Read more...]
What I Wore Wednesday
Welcome to my what I wore Wednesday post! Last week, after my WIWW post, I shared the fact that I finally fully transtitioned my closet from winter to summer, and then guess what happened? The weather turned chilly again! Why oh why did I pack every single long sleeve T-shirt … [Read more...]
What I Wore Wednesday
Welcome to another What I Wore Wednesday post, I am linking up with The Pleated Poppy again this week to show you what I have worn lately. Again, super fun! Over the weekend, I finally got my closet fully transitioned from winter to summer. I feel like I have a whole new … [Read more...]