Hey friends! I have missed being around the blog for the past several days, and I have so much to share with you all and so little time to get it all together! Although I have had the summer off, we have attempted to jam pack it all with so many wonderful experiences and … [Read more...]
SPP Style {Volume 49}
Hey friends! The weather is finally warming up to feel like Spring around here! Also, I have 10 more days of work until Summer Break, so I am a pretty happy camper right now. Today I am sharing just some outfits I have been wearing this particularly cold Spring. I recently … [Read more...]
Sweet Parrish Place Style {Vol. 48}
Hey friends! It's hump day, so the work week is all down hill from here, right? It's been a while since I have done a SPP Style post, but I still photograph my daily outfits as always, so today I'm sharing some of the things I have been wearing this Spring. If you have been … [Read more...]
Spring Fashion Color Crush- Fiesta Red
Hey friends! TGIF, am I right? Before we get started this post today, I just wanted to mention that you might want to check out the post I wrote titled My 20 Favorite Spring Fashion Trends for your latest is Spring fashion! I recently read an article in InStyle about the … [Read more...]
End of Winter Style
Hey friends! I hope you enjoyed your weekend. We went out to dinner to celebrate Mr. 15 Year Old’s 16th birthday, so as of Tuesday, he will be Mr. 16 Year Old, and he couldn’t be more excited to get his driver’s license and have more independence! Today I am going to share … [Read more...]
Sweet Parrish Place Style {Vol. 47}
Hey friends! I am so happy today is the first day of March! I feel like I could do a little cheer, something like GIVE ME AN M-GIVE ME AN A, and so on and so one, you get the jist. I kid you not when I tell you that I could go the rest of my life and be happy if I … [Read more...]
Sweet Parrish Place Style {Vol. 46}
Hey all! Welcome to my weekly style post! Every week, I take pictures of my outfits and join other bloggers around blog land who do the same. These posts are something that I really enjoy, because I have always had a passion for fashion. I love putting together new outfits, … [Read more...]
Casual Friday Garb
Hey friends! We are in the midst of winter storm Jonas, and as of the time I am typing this on Saturday morning at 10:36, we have 19 inches, and counting. We have snow drifts that are 3 feet deep! My husband was out shoveling the decks (which I am standing on in some of these … [Read more...]