Of course I hit up Target the day after Christmas! I also did go to exchange a couple of little things at the mall before they were out of everything. I stopped in the Dollar Tree while I was walking by too. I got some great deals, and some really cute stuff … [Read more...]
DIY Wall Art
Have any of you been seeing all of the DIY wall art on Pinterest or other websites using meaningful dates? If not, let me show you an example I saw on my most favorite blog in all of blogland: www.younghouselove.com This is a picture from a Young House Love … [Read more...]
Thrifty Finds
Well, election day is over! I had the day off yesterday, but we stayed up really late last night watching the results come in. My 12 year old son Coleton and my 16 year old daughter Delaney actually wanted to stay up and watch, so since it was educational, and a part … [Read more...]