I will be linking up to The Pleated Poppy today with my weekly outfits, but I am also going to tell you how I have been using Pinterest to help me come up with new outfit combinations from my own closet. It is no secret that I love fashion. But at the same time, we live on a … [Read more...]
My Method For A Natural Looking Self Tan
Back in my younger days, I used to worship the sun. In high school, I would go either to the pool or out on my back deck and just plain bake. With nothing on me but baby oil. And the darker I could get, the better! How many of you reading this right now did the same thing? We … [Read more...]
My Favorite Makeup
If you are anything like me, you love makeup! Or, maybe not! If that is the case you might not be interested in this post. But if you do love makeup as much as I do, then read on! My makeup is so essential to me! These are some of my favorites that I use regularly. I … [Read more...]
My Skin Care Routine
Being 40-ish, I am big on my skin care routine. Well, honestly I always have been, but more so now that I am starting to show my age. I think the best way to fight aging is to take super good care of your skin. And hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. I thought it might be fun to share … [Read more...]