LC bought me this painting of a small girl on the beach when we were in Ocean City a few years ago. It used to hang in the bathroom of our old house, and it has been hanging alone on another wall of this family room since we moved to this house. But I thought taking some of the things I had hanging alone and making a gallery wall would be much more interesting and make a bigger impact. The Live Laugh Love canvas is something that I found in my daughter’s room after she moved to college, and she never even took it out of the packaging, so I swiped it because I thought the colors matched.
In case you are wondering, my process for hanging the gallery wall was to take everything and lay it out on the floor and play with it until I liked the arrangement. After I had it arranged the way I liked it, I started by hanging the largest art print back on the same nail where it was hanging originally. And then I just started arranging it by adding one piece at a time. I just eyeballed it all. I could have gotten more technical and measured things, or hung papers up that were the same size as the art, but I didn’t and thankfully it worked out.
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