Can you believe we have had 19 snow days this winter? I can’t remember a year we have had that many in a long time. I have used several of these days to do projects around my home that have been on my to do list, and organizing closet and other areas. We have this buffet in our dining room that we definitely need for storage, and I spent a few hours emptying it out and re organizing it one day. I recently showed this buffet on my blog and asked for advice on what I could do with it. You can read that post here. At the bottom of this post, I will show you my most recent inspiration I have found for what to do with it!

These top drawers are a catch all for everything. Seems like they are the first drawers my family goes to to look for something or stash something. Do you have drawers like this in your house? They eventually get so full I can barely shut them! I forgot to take pictures of them before I began emptying them. Bad, bad blogger! You can see the garbage bag I was tossing everything into.

Creativity Unleashed
Jennifer Rizzo
DIY Showoff
DIY Sunday Showcase
Monday Funday
Between Naps on the Porch
The Dedicated House
Give me the Goods
Home Coming
Project Inspired
I Heart Organizing
A Stroll Through Life
Coastal Charm
Cozy Little House
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
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