Hi all! Have you ever seen my entryway? If you are new here, welcome! If not, you know that we live in a split level home, so I have struggled with this entryway, because it is also our stair case. I never was a fan of split entry homes, so go figure that we wound up living in one! This area has been a work in progress for about a year now, and I finally think we are coming close to calling it finished! Today I wanted to talk to you a little about Painting stair risers , and show you my newly painted stair risers. Last fall, I painted the hand rails and newel posts black. Here is a picture I shared right after I painted the hand rails.

I am loving my entryway more with each project completed. And I feel so much better now when someone knocks on the door. I can actually hold it wide open proudly, instead of just a crack and peeking my head out the door. Do you own a split level house or have a small entryway? How did you deal with this challenging and awkward space? I would love to read about it in the comments!Have a great week!
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Good designer i like the way you design and really thank for sharing.