Good afternoon! Well, for us it is, because we have power, and also be cause we don’t have school today! That means I don’t have to work! Yay!! My heart goes out to all of the people affected by the storm. My husband, Jason worked all night long staying on top of it and keeping the folks of north central West Virginia informed. He came home some time early this morning and conked out. I am trying to keep everyone contained so he can sleep. That is not easy with three kids running around! Two (Gavin and Coleton) who fight like cats and dogs. It is snowing outside for the first time this year, and my 4 year old Gavin is super psyched! Here is a picture looking out at our back deck:
We usually have the deck furniture stored for the winter before it snows. We didn’t make it this year!
So, let’s get to what I am really posting about this morning. The fall pinterest challenge! Some of you may know that I am obsessed with this blog Reading this blog every day spawned my desire to create this blog, and introduced me to the world of blogging which I did not realize existed (I must have had my head buried in the sand)! If you have never checked Young House Love out, and you love decorating and DIY as much as I do, you HAVE to check it out! Trust me, you will fall in love! Anyway, Sherri and John, along with Katie, Carmel and Sarah have challenged people to stop pinning and start doing! If you click on the names it will take you to the blogs of all of these lovely ladies. And their blogs are fabulouso!!
I have pinned quite a few gallery walls onto pinterest, but I have also seen them on various blogs. So I decided I had to have one! The master of all gallery walls is this one:
And here is my gallery wall! I put it in the hallway leading to the bedrooms and the boy’s bathroom. This hallway desperately needs paint on the walls, but I went ahead and hung the frames because we are limited on storage here and I couldn’t take having all of these frames sitting around my house any longer! When I pain I will just take them all down and paint over the nails and then hang them all again. I also plan to add things onto my walls and change them out over time.
I am posting this comment as a test. A few people have tried to comment on this blog and have reported problems in doing so.