Hey friends! Do you love beautifully wrapped packages as much as I do? I know I absolutely love to receive a package that is beautifully wrapped, and to me it is an art form. I have loved this ever since I was a little girl. If you are into pretty packages, then you are in for a treat today! Because I have joined together with my friends of No Place Like Home to bring you some wonderful gift wrapping inspiration. You can click the links below to go to visit each of the blogs and see what gift wrapping inspiration they each have in store for you today!
I like it when my gift wrap all coordinates together to give a cohesive look or theme for each Christmas. I just think it is so pretty when everything under the tree coordinates together. I usually use 2-3 different wrapping papers that all go together in some way, and then a variety of a few different things to adorn each package with. I am sharing three different wrapped gifts here today that are wrapped with the same gold paper, but are all decorated differently to give them a cohesive look, but they are not exactly the same.
I bought this gold paper at Marshalls. I always love the wrapping paper I find there. And they always have the most fantastic selection of great quality ribbon when Christmas draws near. I bought this red twine there along with these accordion like gift tags that are plaid. This red twine came on the cutest wooden spool too! And there is enough of it that it will last me for a long time. I wrapped this twine around the package several times, and then I took a couple of sprigs of faux pine needles that have some jingle bells attached. I have included links to the same or very similar items that you can use to make your gits look the same as these.
Holiday Pine Spray | Red Twine
This next package is my personal favorite because I love plaid. And I love the fuzzy texture of this particular plaid ribbon!
I purchased this ribbon and these jingle bell ornaments at Marshalls as well. I wrapped the plaid ribbon around the center of the package one time, and the next thing I did was to take a few pine cone sprays and tape them onto the plaid ribbon. I then tied a jingle bell ornament onto one of the sprigs. Lastly, I taped a tag over the spot where I taped the pine cone sprigs to hide them. These tags were purchased at Marshalls as well,and the pine cones and the faux pine sprays I used are all from JoAnn Fabrics.
Jingle Bells Similar | Pinecone Spray | Plaid Ribbon similar|
Last but not least is this smaller package. Again, wrapped in the same gold paper as the first two, but I tied just one simple piece of red twine, with a tag attached to the twine around the center, and then I took apart this spray of gold branches and taped a few underneath of the twine. So simple, yet so chic looking!
Gold Spray | Gold Wrapping Paper | Red Twine
I love the way my gifts turned out! Nothing elaborate that took up too much time, yet chic and stylish. Who wouldn’t love to unwrap a gift this pretty? All of the different sprays I used in these three gifts were purchased at JoAnn Fabrics, and all of it was 50% off. I took each spray apart before using it, so that I could arrange them the way I wanted them on each package. I think these gifts are so elegant!
How do you like to wrap your gifts? Do you like them to match like I do, or do you like a mismatch of various papers? When I was growing up, we used lots of different colorful papers. Do you wrap things ahead of time or wait until the last minute? I have to admit, I’m a last minute sort of girl. I only wrapped these packages so that I could offer up a little gift wrap inspiration for you today, but the rest probably won’t be wrapped for a while. I haven’t even started shopping yet! I better get on that huh? Don’t forget to visit each of the other bloggers today for more gift wrap inspiration!
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