I actually finished this handrail back in November, but then a Christmas explosion happened and I never got around to showing it to you. So today is the day, because I am still suffering from whatever it is you suffer from when it is two days after Christmas and you are still putting your house back together and have no new projects going on yet.
Here is my new black hand rail going to the downstairs of my split level home.

But for now, we are so enjoying this area and the transformation so far. Since this is the entry, I feel like our home is so much more welcoming and a reflection of us. And that is a very good feeling. I used to be slightly embarrassed when someone came to the door, now I feel proud to open the door when someone rings the doorbell!Link Parties:
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Great article about handrails. Gotta take down notes of these simple yet informative post. Thanks for sharing!
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