Hi all! Are you enjoying your weekend so far? I wanted to pop in really quick and share my Five favorite Valentine Mantles with you, since next weekend is Valentines Day. So here we go – these are Five Valentines Mantles that rock!
I love this neutral mantel created by The DIY Mommy. My favorite thing is the book page heart, I want to make one.

This one is actually from Lucy at the Cratberry Bush in 2013, but I simply love it still!

And this giant heart art hanging over this mantle is so creative, so are the arrows!

Carmel from Our Fifth House never ceases to amaze me with her mantels. I love them all!

This black and white Valentines mantle is very pretty too. I love the heart garland!

So, which one is your favorite? I love them all (obviously since I am sharing them!), but I love the first one by The DIY mommy the most. I would love to know which one is your very favorite in the comments. And before you go I will show you one more Valentines Day Mantel – mine! I shared this a couple of weeks ago, but here is a quick pic if you missed it. You can click here to read the full post.
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