Hey friends! I took a little blogging break last week, did you miss me? I sure did miss you guys! I had been burning the candle at both ends with my full time job and this blog for several months, so it was nice to have time to recharge. I was also off of work for 9 days, so I spent time decorating for Christmas, hosting Thanksgiving dinner, and just chilling with my family. And let me tell you what, it was awesome! I have never put out my Christmas decor this early before, but I have to say, it is a great feeling to return to work, and it is all finished! I feel like I can enjoy the Holiday season now without the stress of decorating. Anyhoo, I’m here to share a new fashion post with you today, and I feel like It’s something I’ve been slacking on lately on the blog, my fashion side of things, so I am happy to get back to sharing some of my personal style with you. To be honest, I was feeling kind of burned out and lost in regards to sharing my fashion posts for a few months. And it dawned on me yesterday that I don’t always have to share several outfits in one post. It is OK, to just share one outfit that I love! I write a lot of Sweet Parrish Place Style posts that will have loads of different looks, and the posts take a very long time to write. So I decided to simplify things, and I’m giving myself permission to just share a single look in one post from now on, if that is what is working for me at the time. What do you think of that? Today I wanted to share this plaid boyfriend flannel shirt that I bought recently, and I am loving it! You can shop this look by scrolling to the bottom of the post.
This top is long, so I really like that because I can wear it with leggings. But it is not too bulky, and I could tuck it in or wear it under a sweater as well. And good news. it is currently on sale for $17! It comes in other colors but I love the soft grey and white I chose. I am loving to tie my shirts up like I am wearing it here lately! I am actually wearing a black dress under the flannel shirt in this outfit, and so when I tied the shirt in front, it gives it the look of a top and a skirt.
And can we talk about this bag for a hot minute? I lucked into this bag at Gabe’s not long ago, and I am loving carrying a black bag for Fall and Winter this year. I am also ga-ga over the faux fur pom pom I attached to the bag.
These grey boots are my first over the knee boot, and I really like them, but I struggle with how to style them sometimes. I do like them with this outfit though. And have you noticed my necklace? My husband bought this for me at a Comic Con event from a store called Ragtrader Vintage. It is a vintage stop watch, and I am in love with it! I have mentioned them before on the blog, but you really must check them out, they have awesome handmade jewelry! No two items are exactly the same, which I love. And I am not getting a dime for mentioning this store, no comission on sales either. I just simply love this store and I think you will too!
Thanks so much for joining me today, I am glad to be back to blogging this week. I actually dreamed about this blog the past couple of nights, I’m not sure if that’s good or bad! But it is my passion so I can understand that. I have a lot in store for you this week, and on Friday I will be sharing my Christmas home tour, which I am super psyched about! So don’t forget to stop by, because not only me but all of my buddies from No Place Like Home will be sharing theirs as well! Yay! You can browse my other fashion posts right here, and you can also check out what I’ve been wearing on my Pinterest Board.
Shop This Look:Boyfriend Flannel Shirt | Over the knee boots | Bag |
You can click on the box below to see my current favorites for the season!
Do you have champagne taste and a tiny budget like me? Love fashion, DIY, crafting, all things vintage and thrifty? Stick with me, I’ve got you covered!
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