Hey friends! How was your weekend? Ours was great, we went to a WVU basketball game and had a family day, and then I spent Sunday taking down my winter decor, and trying to decorate for Spring. I’m not finished yet, but I got a pretty good start. It’s time for another What I’m Loving post! This is a little series where I share random things that I am currently loving! You know, just like friends do! I love to chat with friends and talk about things we like and things we don’t like, so I love doing the same with you guys, because I consider you friends! So, let me tell you some things I am loving right now.
You guys, I am so excited to tell you about this first one! It is the Mary Kay® Facial Highlighting Pen, and it is a miracle worker! Who knew? I recently discovered this through my Mary Kay consultant (if you are local to me and need a Mary Kay consultant, let me know in the comments, and I can refer you). Lately, I have been battling dark half moon shaped circles under my eyes. I try to cover them with makeup, but it’s just not cutting it anymore. I really notice this in pictures, and have been actually editing it out when I post pictures of myself in my style posts, not gonna lie. I finally texted my MK consultant last week and asked for her help.
She sent me a video and recommended this product. The video was just a short clip of how to apply it, but I ended up not applying it the way the video shows. What I did was show it to my daughter, the makeup guru (she knows all about makeup). She looked at this highlighting pen, and she said it has an orange tint, and that is perfect for under eye circles because orange is the exact opposite of blue on the color wheel. She told me to dab it on all along the blue area under my eye (a good coat), and then just apply my regular concealer right over it like normal. I tried it for the first time just this morning, and hallelujah! It worked! For the first time in months I didn’t see the dark circles when I looked in the mirror anymore! So ladies, if you are having this problem, give it a try! The color pen I have is shade #3.
I have been wanting to learn how to use my camera better for the ole blog. Last summer, I finally bought a big girl camera, but I have been using the automatic setting, and I have been wanting to learn how to use it, so I purchased this book, and I am finding it very helpful! The author is engaging and funny, and he spells it out in ways that I can understand, so if you are looking to improve your photography skills, you might want to give this book a try.
When I saw this free printable on Instagram, it stopped me in my tracks. You might be familiar with the children’s story book. It is one of my all time favorites, and I used to read it to my daughter every day when she was small. She is 19 now, and I printed this out to frame and hang in her new bedroom. It is perfect for her room!
I have been using this J.R. Watkins All purpose cleaner lately when I clean my kitchen, and I am in love with both the lemon and the grapefruit scent. They both smell so fresh and clean, and they make me enjoy wiping down the counters, which is what I use it for. My husband loves both of the scents too.
I have been taking a Barre class for the past several months. In the warm months, I would go to this class barefooted, but in the winter when it is freezing out I can’t stand to have cold feet, so I decided to buy some socks to wear during class. But when I started looking, I realized these types of socks are ridiculously expensive. I was searching on Amazon one day, and I came across these socks for only $2.95 per pair, so I ordered them in every color they had (they also come in blue, purple, pink and yellow). It took a long time for me to receive them because as it turned out, they came from over seas. But they were worth the wait, because I love them! I wear them to every class. They are anti-slip bottoms, and they are toe socks. And the best part is that I receive compliments on these socks every time I wear them. I am not a girl who paints her toe nails in the dead of winter, so I like having these cuties on at class, and they hide the ugliness inside, MWAh-ah-ah!
And that’s a wrap for what I’m loving right now! If you have something that you are loving that you would like to share, please share away in the comments, I read every one. Do any of you reading this own any of these items, and if so, what is your opinion on them? Have a great week!
Do you have champagne taste and a tiny budget like me? Love fashion, DIY, crafting, all things vintage and thrifty? Stick with me, I’ve got you covered!
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