I usually clean my kitchen good once a week, and then just wipe down little messes in the meantime. I think the most important rooms in the house to keep clean are the kitchen and the bathrooms, so if I don’t have time to clean the whole house, I at least clean those rooms. When my kitchen is sparkling clean, life just feels so much better! I don’t always deep clean my kitchen because I don’t always have time, but when I do have time, it is one of the best ways for me to feel like I accomplished something really good! When my house is a dirty mess, I swear it affects my mood, big time!
Today I am going to tell you step by step how I deep clean my kitchen. Miss 16 year old has chores to do around here, and I have found that if I make her a detailed list of exactly what to do to clean each room in the house, she does a much better job! Seriously people, I worry about what her own house is going to look like one of these days! She is such a pig! Please tell me she is going to grow out of it and care about how her house looks! PLEASE!!! When I have cleaned a room and am feeling so good about it, she will walk in, and I will say doesn’t this room look so much better now? She will respond by saying, “I don’t even notice”. Seriously??? She swears that she does not notice a difference when the house is dirty or clean. That is worrisome!
First I want to show you the basic necessities that I use to clean my kitchen. Be forewarned, I am a cleaning product junkie! Seriously, I have a problem. I also use microfiber rags to clean with (not pictured), and hot water.

I've seen pictures of your kitchen before, and I know I've looked at the space above the cabinets and how you've decorated. Apparently I hadn't LOOKED at the space until today because NOW I'm getting some ideas for my own kitchen! I love the "LOVE" sign…isn't it wonderful how we both lucked out in that department the second time around? The other larger pieces you have also really pull the space together. I have Longaberger baskets above my cabinets but I'm due for a change and you've given me inspiration. :0)
Secondly, the Calphalon Tri-Ply stainless-steel cookware we gave my daughter and new son-in-law for one of their showers, and gave my son and daughter-in-law as a Christmas gift recommends using Barkeepers Friend to keep it shining like new. I'd planned to give them the cleaner too but didn't know where to find it or what it looked like. Thanks! Now I know. Do you use it on your stainless-steel cookware?
Thanks! I always look to other blogs for inspiration, so it makes me feel really good to know I actually inspired someone else! I am actually planning on painting above my cabinets this weekend, and was thinking of changing things up a bot. I don't have a lot of storage in this house so keeping larger items on top of my cabinets is a must for me. I don't have stainless steel cookware, but I would love to! I have used it to clean my tea kettle, like you suggested though. I don't know why I never thought of it before!