I have read things about 3D Fiber Lashes, but I had never tried them before until now. Have you tried them? They are supposed to give the same effect as false eyelashes, without actually applying falsies. And I don’t know about you, but I despise false eyelashes because I am horrible at applying them. So, when I was approached by Mia Adora and offered an opportunity to try these, I definitely wanted to try them. My daughter tried them as well, and I took some before and after pictures of both of us, so you could see the difference in these lashes. If you want long, luscious lashes, and don’t like to mess with falsies, give these a try!
Here is the before and after of my lashes. This was my first attempt at using the 3d Lashes, and from what I have read, it takes practice. So I didn’t get that dramatic of a difference. I liked the way they looked, but I think with practice I can get a fuller, longer look.
And here is the before and after of my daughter. She is a makeup queen, so she has used 3D lashes before. And she is also a pro at applying falsies. She got a much more dramatic affect than I did, don’t they look great? she looks like she is wearing false eyelashes, but I swear to you, she is not!
I am a sucker for packaging, and these are very nicely packaged, as you can see in the first picture above. And right inside of the lid, there are detailed instructions for how to apply these. It is basically three steps. You first apply a generous coat of the magnifying gel from root to tip. Next you immediately brush on the natural fibers- gently- from mid lashes top of lashes. Finally, you let the fibers dry for about 20 seconds, and then apply another generous amount of magnifying gel to seal fibers in place. And you can keep repeating steps two and three until you desired look is achieved. I did the process twice. My daughter did the process twice as well. And you can clearly see that she has done it before, because she got a much more dramatic result.You can order these Mia Adora 3D Fiber Lashes on Amazon by clicking here.
I am so glad I tried these, and I am looking forward to perfecting my technique, I am going to practice my technique and I will add some updated pictures to this post if I can improve on them.Have a happy weekend!
I received this product for a large discount in exchange for writing an honest review about it. All opinions and pictures are completely my own.
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