This is a fantastic tutorial for how to remove water stains from wood, and it works! 
Hey all! Welcome to Trashtastic Tuesday! This is a little series around here where I show you something that I thrifted, sometimes I make it over, sometimes I don’t. Or it may be something that I have owned and I am tired of, or no longer like, so I make it over. But nevertheless, it is usually something that I paid very little money for. Today I want to show you a great tip that I found recently for removing water marks on wood furniture. I purchased this side table over a year ago for $5 at The Mission. I really liked the modern lines. And it has some really pretty inlay on the top. It is also very sturdy solid wood.

How to Remove Water Stains From Wood:
Update (08/11/16): This is a more updated look at the room today. You can read more about our family room by clicking here.
Thanks for stopping by today for Trashtastic Tuesday! Do you have any furniture that has water marks? What have you tried to get rid of them? Let me know if you try this solution, and how it works for you!
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Did not work on table with ebony stain
Sorry to read this. Hope you find a solution that is right for you!
Worked fantastic on my old library table!!
Awesome, I am so glad!
How is this the same table? Amazing what some household products will do to remedy a situation. Purchasing an older piece of furniture and making it your own for little to no money is amazing!
Home Tool Helper recently posted…Best Belt Sander 2017 Reviews and Comparisons
Thanks so much, it really works!
Hi Nicki,
Would you please let me know the proportion of Olive Oil and Table Salt.
Need to ensure the proportion in order to do the same one of my table.
Great job.
I am very sorry but I play this one on the fly. I just eyeball it and make it into a thick paste a little like an oatmeal consistency. I would start by using one part olive oil to one part salt, mis it, and then add more of either one if needed to get desired consistency. Hope that helps!
Thanks for sharing . I love wood and I well try .hope that helps.
ness recently posted…Should You Treat Teak Patio Furniture With Teak Oil?
Probably one of the most useful and informative blog posts Ive come across in a while!
Awesome, I am so glad you found it useful!!
These are some great tips! And you’ve got it right; it makes a massive difference. Choosing the right how to remove coffee stains steps can be pretty tricky, but this guide made it a lot simpler! Thank you so much for writing; this was helpful!