I guess it is because I have been refinishing my kitchen cabinets for months now. And because I am hoping to paint my kitchen over Thanksgiving break. But I have a serious case of kitchen on my mind. I can’t stop thinking about it! I have the luxury of having the whole week off next week! Oh, the joys of working in the school system! So I am going to try to use my time wisely and get some much needed painting projects out of the way. I thought I would share some kitchen’s I have been seeing on different websites with you this evening.
First though, I have exciting news! If you read my blog yesterday you probably saw my plea to people, especially local people, to let me feature your home on my blog. I am so excited that I will be featuring my first home soon! It happens to be the kitchen of one of my best friend’s, and the cabinets were the inspiration behind the color I am painting my kitchen cabinets. I have other home tours in the works as well, and that is so exciting to me! It is one of the reasons I wanted to start this blog!
Here are some awesome and beautiful kitchens that I love. Enjoy!

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