If you read my blog on a regular basis, you probably know that my daughter, Miss 18 Year Old, recently moved into her first apartment. She is a freshman in college, and she opted to live in an apartment instead of a dorm. Why did we allow this? Because it was almost twice as expensive to pay for room and board in a dorm! We felt this was the right decision for her, and she and my niece are living together. You can read the post I wrote about college dorm and apartment inspiration and organization here.
Now, I am not going to go into the horrible story of move in day in this post, but trust me, there will be a review coming soon about the apartment complex that she moved into. It was a horrible experience, and I promise to share all of the dirty details, and I DO mean dirty. But for now, allow me to give you a tour of Miss 18 Year Old’s first apartment. This apartment is a furnished apartment, and has pretty standard furnishings.
This is her bedroom, and my favorite room in the place. She picked all of the décor herself. Isn’t the tapestry on the wall behind her bed to die for? She ordered it from Urban Outfitters. They have a pretty great selection and variety of tapestries.
The ombre drawers is where she stores her makeup and some school supplies. It was purchased at Office Max, but I could not find them on the website.
And this is her closet, which is in the bathroom. It is a very nice size for a college apartment. I purchased these handy closet doublers from Amazon, which gave her a lot more room to hang things.
And this last picture is my niece’s bathroom. I wanted to show you her bedroom too, but it wasn’t quite picture ready yet.
If you stuck around through all of these pictures, and made it to the bottom of this post, congratulations! And thank you for your persistence, ha! I know it was a ton of pictures, but hopefully you enjoyed them.Have a great week!
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