I love to post my favorite pinterest pins each month! I am a total pinterest addict, and it is so fun to go back through what I have pinned each month. Today I am going to show you some of my favorites for the month of March. I hope you enjoy! And I tried to link back to the original post whenever possible.

I need this skirt. It is perfection. However I would never wear that shirt in a million years.

This tribal looking bedding from Anthropologie is so cute.

I love everything about this tiny kitchen.

Bathe anyone? Yes please!

YUM! Enough said.

Look at this baby! I want to eat him up!

I would like to go to San Antonio. Someday…

This is my new mantra.

This is totally me to a tee!

I am a sucker for a nude lip, and I want this one!

I am going to try making my own eye makeup remover as soon as I run out.

You should check out the inside. It is even more fabulous than the outside!

Cool furniture piece.

I love this bracelet! Rustic meets bling!

Me, LC, right here, right now!

The perfect window box.

Paper towel holder for bracelets!

Cute DIY doily light.

I love these Easter Eggs!

I want this sandbox. I have shown it to you before.

I have a friend who is getting married and wants a vintage yet classy vibe. I think this fits the bill!

Great use for an old pallet! Love!

I love this spare room made into a closet.

Another great use for old palletts.

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