Hey friends! You know I love this day of the month! Each month I share my Favorite Pinterest Pins with you. So today is one of my favorite days, because I get to share my March favorites with you! This is one of my favorite posts to write each month. I hope you like reading it as much! I am really in love with my favorites for March! Please be a responsible pinner, and if you want to pin something I have featured here today, click on the source at the bottom of the picture and pin from the original source. I have done my best to pin from the original source as well! I hope you find some inspiration! Enjoy!
Favorite Dining Room

Favorite Bathroom

Favorite Adult Beverage Recipe

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I need to know where did I you buy that pair of shoes please??!! I love them…. (vintage shoes). Thanks a loooot!!
What brand are those shoes? I can’t read the label 🙂