Hey friends! I can’t believe that it is already week five of the One Room Challenge! In case you missed it, I am participating in the One Room Challenge for the first time, and I am renovating our kids-guest bathroom. I have 6 weeks to complete the room, and at this point I feel good saying that this room is finished. At least the basics of the room is finished. The only things left for me to do are hang the shelves and decorate and style the room. If you are new to my blog, welcome! I hope you will stay awhile and have a look around! If you aren’t familiar with the ORC, it is a widely anticipated two time per year event where 20 featured design bloggers transform a space and document it once per week for 6 weeks. In addition, everyone with a blog is invited to join the shenanigans and be a guest participant by linking up their own room transformations each week.
If this is your first time catching an ORC post of mine, you can catch the first four weeks here, here, here, and here.
For week 5 of this challenge, We installed trim above the AirStone, and I painted the mirror and my husband hung it for me using a french cleat. I knew from the start that I wanted to add trim above the AirStone, and really waited until we were at Home Depot to decide what I wanted to use. I had a feeling I would know what was right for this spot when I saw it, and it happened exactly like that! As soon as I saw it, I knew it was perfect to go over the Airstone. The trim I used is made to be used as a floor and window casing. I am thrilled with the way it just made the room feel finished! It now looks like the stone belongs here, and I am very happy about that! I love the chunkiness and the details of this trim. I would love to add this baseboard in the whole house, it is just gorgeous!
The trim was already white when I bought it, but I painted it with two coats of the same color I did the walls, trim, and door. Simply white from Benjamin Moore. We attached the trim using my nail gun, and I filled in all nail holes, and sanded the edges. I need to write a tutorial after this ORC is all said and done about how we did this trim. We didn’t use any video or instruction, we just figured it out, and in the process we felt really stupid and idiotic, and I had to go to the store and buy more trim (which wasn’t cheap) because we ruined the first piece by not getting the angle right for the corner behind the door. There may have been some curse words and some throwing the ruined trim across the garage, but we persevered and figured it out, and I am so glad we did because it makes the room so much better!
AirStone// Trim
This is the corner where we ran into a problem with our cuts. It’s sad really. We both felt like we had no brain. We were using our miter saw, so one would think it is so simple. But you can only adjust the 45 degree angle to go one direction, and we couldn’t figure out how to place the wood to cut it correctly. Math and angles are not my forte, and I got straight D’s in Geometry people. That’s why I’m a school counselor! Ha!
AirStone// Trim
We also changed out the floor vent to a simple white one. The previous one was gold and broken. And I wanted a vent that would disappear into the floor as much as possible. I also bought one for our master bath while I was at it and changed it as well. I like this more simple and inconspicuous look.
I got this framed mirror from a thrift store for $5. I actually bought three of them, and I have used one in our daughter’s bedroom, and one in my son’s bathroom downstairs. They are very heavy mirrors. We used a french cleat to hang it on the wall. I love using french cleats for heavy objects, they work like a dream! I decided to paint this mirror frame the color denim from the HGTV HOME™ by Sherwin-Williams line of paint. This is the color I used in Mr. 16 Year Old’s bedroom and we had it left over. The mirror frame was a metallic goldish-silver. I painted on the first coat, and I kind of liked how it looked with the metallic still peeking through, so I hung it on the wall as is to test it out for a while. I have decided I like the look, but I am going to dry brush a little more gold on top and seal it with some wax. I do love the color of the denim paint hanging over my bluegrass white vanity. It brings the blue in the shower curtain over to this side of the room and ties it together.
I would love some reader opinions on the mirror! What do you think of this finish and if you have any suggestions I would love you to tell me in the comments below!
I am so happy that this room is almost finished! And I am so glad I joined the One Room Challenge for the first time. It was scary to commit to it, but it motivated me to get this room finished in record time (at least for me). So I will leave you with some items I purchased to decorate the room. This is the part I am looking forward to the most! I still have to DIY a shelf for the room, and will finish that on Saturday, and then the fun part of styling this room will begin! Everything I purchased in the two pictures below is from Hobby Lobby. BTW the mirror in the backdrop of this photo is the same mirror as the one I hung in the bath. this one I painted with Rub n Buff.
weathered wooden arrow// turquoise feather
I also purchased this small area rug from Overstock and I hope I like it in the room!
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