As I write this, we have been to school 7 days in the month of January. I think. Honestly, I have lost count. But I do know that we have had more days off for weather than we have been at school. And I have spent most of that time at home. I am a bit of a homebody, I admit. I love to nest. I love to do projects around the house, and clean and organize. But even I am going stir crazy and feel the need to get back to school! So many of the students I work with need to be in school, and are far better off at school. So needless to say, I have gotten so much done during all of these snow days!
I was able to tackle a project that I had no intentions of even starting on. As a matter of fact, if you read my post containing my goals for 2014, this wasn’t even one of them. I painted my hallway! Phase one is completed, yay me!
I spent the first day trimming everything out twice, which was no small task, with six doorways to contend with. Then on the second day I took down the gallery walls and started painting. Two coats did the trick. I had a few complications with my paint roller, which slowed me down considerably, but I was able to finish both coats that day. The third day, I caulked and painted all of the trim. Most of it only took one coat, but I went around and touched up certain areas with two coats.
Link Parties:
Work it Wednesday
Savvy Southern Style
The Shabby Nest
Inspire Me Please
DIY Showoff
DIY Sunday Showcase
Thrifty Decor Chick
Between Naps on the Porch
Monday Funday
The Dedicated House
The DIYers
Give Me the Goods
Project Inspired
Coastal Charm
Cozy Little House
A Stroll Through Through Life
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