Linking up to Jennifer Rizzo’s Holiday Housewalk!
Hey friends! Today I am so giddy with excitement because it is day one of Christmas on this little blog of mine! I have a very special Holiday home tour to share with you today and then my friends of No Place Like Home have their homes all decked out for Christmas as well, so please pay each of them a visit and stay awhile, they are a talented bunch! I decided not to share every part of my decor today, It’s jut too many pictures to share in one post. So I am sharing the main part- our living room! I won’t be chiming in too much throughout this tour, I thought I would let the pictures speak for themselves, and then at the bottom of this post, I will include a source list for those items that can be sourced, but some items are of course things that I have brought out year after year and have been with us awhile, and those are probably the most special part of our decor, becaus they are the one that make Christmas so magical for our family.
Our fireplace is the first thing you see when you walk into the room- you can read about the fireplace makeover here. This is what gives the room it’s cozy factor.
I didn’t change out tree up too much from last year, I just loved the plaid so much I wasn’t ready to part with it!
These rustic wood Christmas Trees are a new addition to the tree.
My daughter put this garland together using some gold tipped feather ornaments I purchased on the day after Christmas last year at Target, a bell garland I purchased at Marshall’s, and this little green leafy garland is from Target this year, and I am so glad I bought two rolls of this because it is so versatile!
The ornament you see hanging off the side of our grandfather clock was another item I purchased at Target on the day after Christmas last year. There were two in a pack, so the other one hangs on the other side of the clock. Some red berries draped loosely over the clock adds the perfect touch!
I made the ivy wreath. I had this ivy growing outside over the Summer, so I decided to bring it in the house and I used a wire hanger to form a circle for the wreath to wrap around. I just wrapped strand after strand of ivy around it and added a little bow of red and white plaid. The wool blanket you see pictured is a Goodwill find for $5.
God Jul says Merry Christmas in Swedish. In case you don’t know we are part Swedish and we have a Swedish daughter who lived with us as an exchange student for a year. We remain close with her and she sent this to us.
Check out my Christmas 2015 Living Room here!
This year, for the first time in two years, I had my daughter home with me when I decorated, and it was such a joy to have her there helping me. So she takes just as much credit for the room as I do. I decorated over Thanksgiving Break this year, and it was the first time I ever have decorated this early. But I have to say, I am so glad I did! I feel a weight off my shoulders that used to linger into the first week or more of December. But now, I can sit back and enjoy the magic of the season! We can bake cookies and go to light up nights, and take drives to see the lights, and attend Christmas shows and concerts, and all of the things that make this time of year so very special. Thank you so much for being here with me today! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate every person who takes the time out of their day to spend a bit of it with me. I will be back very soon to share my advent calendar with you all, and it just might be my favorite one yet! If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen a peek at it. Now, I hope you have time to treat yourself to the Christmas Tours of all of these sweet ladies!
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Source List:
Christmas Throw option
Bronze Stocking Holder
Bronze deer stocking holder
Pine mantle garland option
Bronze Stocking Holder
Bronze deer stocking holder
Pine mantle garland option
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