Hey all! Welcome to my weekly style post! Every week, I take pictures of my outfits and join other bloggers around blog land who do the same. These posts are something that I really enjoy, because I have always had a passion for fashion. I love putting together new outfits, and shopping my own closet to wear things in different ways. I wear the clothes I own forever, but I usually don’t wear any item in the exact same way more than once or twice. As a middle school counselor, I am always looking for inspiration, and ways to be stylish, professional, and age appropriate, and I hope to provide that same inspiration to other women and mothers in similar professions or lifestyles. I only have two outfits to share with you today because I haven’t been to work much since What I Wore post last week. We were off for snow days for an entire week you all! It was nice getting to sty at home and get some things done around here, but we lost are spring break, and are now eating into summer break, so I hope our snow days are over for this year.
Polka Dot Sweater- H&M (last winter) // Denim Shirt
I really like this cream wool skirt that I bought at an outlet store a few years ago, but I always struggle with how to style it or what to wear it with. I liked this combination. Everything I am wearing in this outfit was either thrifted, or purchased at an outlet store, except for the scarf and the tights.
Denim jacket with fur lining- Goodwill (from Gap) // Cream shirt- J Crew Outlet // Cream skirt- Outlet // Tan boots (old)
Scarf- Atlanta boutique
Here are some other ways I wore some of the items pictured today.
Since my weekly style post is already kind of personal, I thought it would be a good time to share something personal that happened over the weekend. My daughter and a friend were involved in a very scary car accident on the interstate on Saturday evening. They were travelling home to watch my son play a basketball game, and she hydroplaned and lost control of the vehicle. They came to a stop on the interstate, the airbags had deployed and they were frantic to exit the vehicle because they were afraid it was going to blow up. Her friend fell out of the car onto the interstate (he was lying on a busy 3 lane interstate!) Now, I don’t know if you believe in God, but I definitely do, and I know that he intervened in her life and the life of her friend on Saturday. They were driving at around 60 MPH, and both walked away without a single scratch on them. And miraculously, there were no other cars anywhere near them during this entire time. I have thanked God many times since then that he spared their lives, and I know he has plan for them both. She told me that evening that God told her it wasn’t her time to go. I encouraged her to pray that God would speak to her in a special way and help her to figure out what he is trying to teach her, and to show her what his plan is for her life. This is the second accident she has been in in less than 6 months and both cars were a total loss (and neither time was she involved in any activity that was risky or illegal). I think these things happened because God is trying to teach her something, there is something he wants her to learn, and I pray that it will be revealed to her, and that she will pray about it too. I would love to know your thoughts about this, if you have any.
Thanks for stopping by for my Sweet Parrish Place Style post today! If you would like to stalk my other outfit and fashion posts, click here (I want you to)! I also have a Pinterest Board where I post all of my daily outfits. I also frequently post on Instagram! Happy Hump day!
This post does contain affiliate links. If you click on them and purchase an item, I will receive a small percentage of commission. By clicking the link, you are NOT paying any more than you ordinarily would for any item.
This is where I party:
What I Wore// Style Me Wednesday// Random Wednesday// Oh Hey Girl//
Whatcha Wearing Wednesday// Mid Week Muse// Trendy Wednesday
Confident Twosday// Sophisticated Style// Real Mom Street Style// Trend Spin// Style Sessions
Tremendous Tuesday// All About You
What I Wore// Style Me Wednesday// Random Wednesday// Oh Hey Girl//
Whatcha Wearing Wednesday// Mid Week Muse// Trendy Wednesday
Confident Twosday// Sophisticated Style// Real Mom Street Style// Trend Spin// Style Sessions
Tremendous Tuesday// All About You
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