Hey all! Welcome to my weekly style post! Every week, I take pictures of my outfits and join the WIWW link party with The Pleated Poppy. These posts are something that I really enjoy, because I have always had a passion for fashion. I love putting together new outfits, and shopping my own closet to wear things in different ways. I wear the clothes I own forever, but I usually don’t wear any item in the exact same way more than once or twice. After my outfits, I also included some pictures of what my family wore for Halloween- I couldn’t leave that out!
This is my official outfit I wore on Halloween Day. I think it was my favorite outfit of the week. I love this plaid scarf, I have another one just like it in red, grey and black. This one is more orange, cream and navy. Have you ever wanted to wear a pair of not skinny jeans tucked into boots? Me too! I found this Pin that shows you how to tuck your not skinny jeans into tall boots, and it helped me, so I thought it might help you too. I did this with these jeans and boots.
This was camo day at the school wear I work. You can’t really tell in the pictures, but these pants are camo. You can see another way I styled these same pants in a completely different way for fall here.
Celebrate Southern
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