Hey all! Welcome to my weekly style post! Every week, I take pictures of my outfits and join other bloggers around blog land who do the same. These posts are something that I really enjoy, because I have always had a passion for fashion. I love putting together new outfits, and shopping my own closet to wear things in different ways. I wear the clothes I own forever, but I usually don’t wear any item in the exact same way more than once or twice.
This was a typical day at work, like most of the outfits I share. I have owned this denim skirt for years, and still wear it once in while. You can see this skirt styled differently here.
This was my first attempt at wearing a colorful tight, and I loved this outfit! I struggled to find something that went with these wine colored tights, but I decided to go fairly neutral and let the tights be the focus. You can see this striped shirt styled in a different way here. You can see this skirt styled differently here.
Thanks for stopping by for my Sweet Parrish Place Style post today! If you would like to stalk my other outfit and fashion posts, click here! I also have a Pinterest Board where I post all of my daily outfits. I also frequently post on Instagram!
This post does contain affiliate links. If you click on them and purchase an item, I will receive a small percentage of commission. By clicking the link, you are NOT paying any more than you ordinarily would for any item.
This is where I party:
What I Wore
I Feel Pretty
Random Wednesday
Whatcha Wearing Wednesday
Casual at Work Link Up
Mid Week Muse
What I Wore
Style Me Wednesday
Throw Back Thursday
Sincerely Jennna Marie
What I Wore to Work
Real Mom Street Style// Trend Spin// Style Sessions// Confident Twosday// TremendousTuesday//
All About You
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