Hey all! Welcome to my weekly style post! Every week, I take pictures of my outfits and join other bloggers around blog land who do the same. These posts are something that I really enjoy, because I have always had a passion for fashion. I love putting together new outfits, and shopping my own closet to wear things in different ways. I wear the clothes I own forever, but I usually don’t wear any item in the exact same way more than once or twice. I took last week off because I was home for the week, and Instead of getting dressed, I stayed in ratty work clothes and worked on a few DIY projects. Did you miss me? This is what I wore when we went to see Sesame Street Live a couple of weekends ago.
That about sums it up for what I have been wearing lately! Thanks for stopping by for my Sweet Parrish Place Style post today! If you would like to stalk my other outfit and fashion posts, click here! I also have a Pinterest Board where I post all of my daily outfits. I also frequently post on Instagram!
This post does contain affiliate links. If you click on them and purchase an item, I will receive a small percentage of commission. By clicking the link, you are NOT paying any more than you ordinarily would for any item.
This is where I party:
Throw Back Thursday// Thursday Favorites// What I Wore to Work
Sophisticated Style
Real Mom Street Style// Trend spin// Style Sessions// Confident Twosday// Tremendous Tuesday
All About You
What I Wore// Random Wednesday// Trendy Wednesday// I Feel Pretty//
Whatcha Wearing Wednesday// Mid Week Muse// What I Wore// Style me Wednesday
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