My weekend flew by so fast that I am none too happy that it is Monday. I am full force in the middle of three fall sports and a senior play. I literally have zero time. Does anyone out there feel me?
I have no time people! I am drowning in housework and laundry, and projects are pretty much impossible at the present moment.
I do love fall though and I have tried to bring in some fall flavor around here using fall décor I had up in the attic, with just a couple of new things.
This planter is one of those new things. I bought it for a steal at a thrift store in Destin FL, and it has just been hanging out doing nothing since then.
So I had purchased this table runner at Target at the end of fall last year, and I knew I was going to use it come fall this year. After I spread it out on my lovely table, I started thinking about what the heck I could put in the center of the table. All of a sudden this planter popped into my head!
And here is a glimpse of what the rest of the room was looking like on that day. Do you remember the two chairs I bought at Goodwill? One of them is being used as a desk chair.
I really like my pretty much effortless little fall table arrangement. That is about all that I have the time or energy for right now. I am not in love with my table and chairs though. They aren’t horrible, but I would love to give them a little makeover!
Ahh, maybe someday…
When Cross country 2013 is only a memory, and fall soccer is in the past, and I have watched my daughter perform in her senior play…
Maybe then I will have time to stencil my dining room wall, paint my stairwell, paint my banisters and railings in the stairwell, hang shelves over the desk, and the list goes on.
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