After three years of living in this home, I finally bought new curtains for Mr. 7 Year Old’s bedroom. This is the only window in his room, and when we first moved in, I hung brown faux wooden blinds, and the red roman shades that we brought from his old bedroom. But I never did love the way they looked, so last winter I took them down, and he lived several months with just the blinds (not that he cared, but it bothered me). This window faces right into the street outside of the front of our home, and the blinds are needed for privacy at night. I happened across these polka dot curtain panels (Tommy Hilfiger) at HomeGoods over the summer, and although they were too long, I scooped them up because I just knew they would look great on his window! So I brought them home and I made them work by hemming them. I don’t own a sewing machine, so I used hem tape. It was so simple, and I wanted to show you the no sew way to hem curtain panels.
Before I hemmed these curtain panels, LC helped me hang them. We raised the curtain rod as high and wide as possible. As you can see in some of these pictures, I have the wood blinds pulled all the way up. Once the curtains were hung, I could then see how much needed hemmed at the bottom.
I simply folded them under at the bottom while they were hanging, and marked with a pencil where I needed to hem them. I chose to make them so that they come all the way down to the floor, but they are just barely above the floor so that they aren’t actually touching the floor.
Supplies you will need:
Heat n Bond ultrahold iron-on adhesive
Pencil to mark where to hem
Iron- no steam
I took pictures of the whole process, and I added text to each picture so that you can see step by step how to hem the curtain panels. Here you go!
After you have re-ironed the crease, pressing really well where the hem tape is, you are finished! All that is left is for you to rehang the curtains!
This is what the curtains look like on the back side after hemming them the no sew way.
I just love the little pop of cheer these polka dot chambray curtain panels give my little boys bedroom. No one would never know that I ever hemmed these curtains at all. It looks like they were bought this way! BTW, you can even wash these afterwards!
In case you hadn’t noticed, Mr. 7 Year Old’s bedroom is a tad schizophrenic. It is a little bit a train themed room, and a little bit a SpongeBob room, and even a little bit Frozen. And guess what? That is OK with me! Because you only get to be 7 years old once, and this bedroom makes him happy. It is his favorite place to be, and he spends hours upon hours creating stories and acting them out in this Thomas the train SpongeBob room. If he is happy, then I am happy too! I’m not trying to get my 7 Year olds’ bedroom in a magazine or anything, I am just trying to keep the toys off the floor enough so that I don’t trip over them! Ha!
He went to art camp for a week over the summer, and it had a SpongeBob theme. He brought the little blue lantern hanging from the curtain rod home from that camp. It looks cute lit up at night. And the SpongeBob that you see on his window sill in the pictures above is another thing he made at art camp. It lights up too!
These were his creations at art camp as well. I am so proud of him for making these! I think they are so great for a 7 year old! He loves having his own creations hanging proudly on his wall. And they just make me happy.
And oh look, there is a little Frozen going on on the other wall! This was hanging at a friend’s birthday party, and they let him bring it home. He immediately wanted to hang it on the wall, and I thought oh well, what’s one more character, right?
And of course, his room wouldn’t be the same without his Thomas table. He refuses to part with it. I am starting to wonder if he ever will. I am not kidding. #thomasthetrainforever
The moral of this post is that if you see some awesome curtains at a great price that are too long for your window, and you don’t sew, never fear! Just hem them with some hem tape, and they are as good as gold! Have a great Friday!
Before I go, let me mention that Mr. 15 Year Old has his first cross country meet of the season tomorrow morning. And his team is ranked #1 in the state, and are two time defending state champions, so good luck to Bridgeport High School Cross country team this week and every week! I am ready to see that long red line, and so proud of how hard my boy has worked to prepare for this season. He has trained all summer long. Only three more years left of high school, and I don’t want to miss a single minute of it, so if I happen to post not quite as many times as I usually do this cross country season, you’ll know why. I usually do a lot of my blogging work on weekends, but several of my Saturdays are going to be full of watching his and his teammates run, so forgive me right now, and please, stick around because I will be back to a regular schedule as soon as I can!
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