We have a fairly large storage room that is in the back of our garage. And honestly, if it did not exist, we probably would not have bought this house. Because this house does not have a lot of storage or large closets. So this is it for us! The only problem with this room is that when we moved in, we were forced (by the people who purchased our old house) to move in a really big hurry, and everything just got shoved into this room in complete chaos. Not what I pictured in my mind at all. In my mind, I cleaned this room while it was still empty, and then everything would be placed into this room in a thoughtful, organized manner. That didn’t happen.
Fast forward 2 1/2 years later, and this room was unbearable. And I swear I took a before picture, and for the life of me I cannot find it. But just imagine mass chaos and everything just dumped everywhere to the point where you could barely walk in there, and that is what it looked like. Well, with LC’s new job, we needed to be able to fit a large storage closet somewhere into our house, and it had to be in this storage room. So, that lit a fire under our butt’s to get this room cleaned out.The collage below is the beginning of this process. We moved my car out of the garage, and proceeded to completely empty this room.
After we emptied the room, I cleaned the room by cleaning the shelf along the back wall, clearing out all cobwebs, and sweeping the floor with a broom. The next thing we did was to place various shelves that we already had in this room, and some that were in the garage, back into the room, and then I cleaned the shelves.
This blue laundry basket was broken on one side, so I use it to hold painting supplies. since I never had to pick it up from this spot, it works just fine.
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