I have had this shelf for probably 15 years. I bought it at a craft show years ago. It is solid wood, and very well made. It was a dark wood. It hangs in our downstairs hallway, and this is the third house it has lived in with us. So yes, this is another post about the progress I am making in my downstairs hallway, are you getting tired of it yet?
But the dark wood was no longer my style. So I gave it a paint job, a little distressing, and breathed a new life right back into it.
I had a coupon for a free 8 ounce color sample of Valspar paint. I was at Lowe’s one day and decided t use my coupon. I had no idea what I was going to use the paint for, but I chose the color transit pass. Before I painted the shelf, I sanded it down pretty good. Then I wiped it down.
Here is a before and after shot of this little corner. Wouldn’t you agree that it looks soooo much better now? I think it is a huge improvement, and it is not even finished yet.
If you would like to see the rest of this hallway/mud room, click here. You have no idea how much better I feel every time I walk down the stairs to this hallway. This was my least favorite space when we moved into this house, and I am so happy that it is almost finished!Link Party!
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