Hey friends! I’m back today to give you a little closer look at my Spring mantle that you may have seen yesterday if you checked out part two of my Spring home tour. I particularly wanted to share with you how I made this very simple yet meaningful Easter bunny banner that is hanging on my mantle. I really love the white and soft blue on my Spring mantle mixed with the gold of the mirror, so I wanted to make a very simple banner this Spring. I think these cute bunny rabbits fit the bill! And what makes them meaningful is that I made them using some book pages from a Swedish book that my daughter brought home from Sweden last summer.
When my daughter went to Sweden last summer, I particularly asked her to bring me back a few Swedish paperback books, because I thought it would be really fun to use them to make some things. In case you do not know, my grandfather was 100% Swedish, God rest his soul. Our family has always felt a particular connection to all things Swedish, thanks to him. And I have many other Swedish touches throughout our home. Not to mention that we hosted an exchange student from Sweden a couple of years ago and developed a lifelong love for and connection with her. The reason my daughter went to Sweden was to visit her. But as fate would have it, she fell in love while there, and she now has a Swedish boyfriend who attends college in Philadelphia. Only time will tell what will happen with their relationship, but we really like him very much.
So when I was thinking on making an Easter Bunny banner, I thought it would be special to use some pages from one of the books Delaney brought home to me. And even though you can’t really tell from a distance, I know the words are Swedish, and so that makes my Bunny banner all that more sweet to me. And it was so simple to make!
You might not have a Swedish book to use for your bunny, but you can make this bunny with any book pages. And you only need a few supplies.
Book pages
Bunny Template ( I found mine by googling bunny printables)
Hole Punch
Something round to use as a tail ( I used some round numbers that I cut out from a piece of craft paper that I had on hand, but it would look super cute with small pom poms or something as well!)
How You Do It:
If you Google bunny templates or bunny printables, you will find a myriad of different bunny shapes that you can print out. Choose one that will work for you, and print it out. You can decide how many bunnies you will need based on the length of your mantle. I chose to do seven bunnies, because I wanted one bunny to be right in the center of my mantle, and then there are three more on each side. I knew I would like the way it hung that way. I then took my book pages and traced my bunny template onto one of them. I stacked two pages thick, and then I cut out the bunny shape from two pages at a time that way. After I had all 7 bunny shapes cut out, I decided to use round numbers that I found on a piece of craft paper that I had on hand. And you can use anything round to use as tails that your prefer. As I stated above, pom poms would look super cute! I glued the round numbers right on the butt of the bunny with some Elmer’s glue. After the tails were dry, I then used my hole punch to punch a hole in each bunny ear. Lastly, I strung my bunnies onto the jute, and just hung using a few thumb tacks.
I love my little Easter Bunny banner, and I am smitten with the way my mantle turned out this Spring. This is one of my very favorite places to decorate for Easter. This was such a simple projects and took me no time at all. It is the perfect finishing touch to my mantle this Spring.
Have you ever made a banner for your decor? If not, I encourage you to be creative and make one! I just love to add them to my decor. If you haven’t seen part one of my Spring Home Tour yet, you can click here to view my Spring Entryway. Thanks so much for stopping by today, and have a great Tuesday!
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