Hello everyone, and welcome to my first edition of Trashtastic Tuesday for the month of March! I am sorry to say that I do not have a finished project to show you today- at least not one of my own. But I do have some awesome things to show you, and also some recent finds from my latest trip to Goodwill. But just because I don’t have a finished project to show you does not mean I have not been a busy little bee! I worked on a DIY project all day long Saturday, with the help of LC. I hope to show you a sneak peek very soon, it just does not fall into the category of Trashtastic. But it is fantastic! So I looked around blog land a little to show you a couple of really cool trashtastic projects some other lovely ladies have completed. If you missed my Trashtastic Tuesday last week, check it out!
Trashtastic Tuesday- This And That
First up is this amazing transformation Gina completed by turning a cable spool into an upholstered stool. Ah-maazing! So springy and bright! Great work Gina! Check out The Shabby Creek Cottage blog for the full tutorial on this project.
Here is a gorgeous bed Cassie at Hi Sugarplum transformed from a Craigslist find. This bedroom is so bright and cheery and perfect for a lucky little girl! This is an older post, but I came across it yesterday and could not resist sharing it with you. If you have never visited Hi Sugarplum’s blog, go pay Cassie a visit!
I have a few things lying around my house that are on my list for some attention. Hopefully these will be future Trashtastic Tuesday projects. Take a gander and if you have any bright ideas you think I could utilize to make these items Trashtastic, I would love to hear them! First up is this awesome sign (well, I think it is awesome). This sign was left here by the home’s previous owner. He works for the telephone company. Interesting enough, my father is retired from the telephone company, and when he retired, our previous home owner actually took my dad’s position! So this reminds me of something that would have been lying around my house when I grew up. I want to hang this on the wall. It is a metal sign. But I can’t decide if I should just straight up hang it as is, or frame it out, or what? Any suggestions?
I bought this little metal tub many years ago at a craft show. I store all of my greeting cards and what not in it. But it needs an update. I am looking for some ideas on exactly how to transform it. As you can see, it is sitting right next to a pottery barn laundry hamper. I would like to transform both to kind of coordinate together. These are in my downstairs hallway right outside of Miss 16 Year Old’s bedroom.
Last week I made a trip to The Goodwill, one of my favorite places to be! I brought home all of this, plus two cool looking mason jars that are not pictured. Look at that horse! I see so many animal things around blog land lately that I could not resist buying this and trying to bring it into 2013. Maybe spray paint it in a punchy, bright color? What do you think? The glass canister is already being put to good use. I am storing my home made dishwasher detergent in it. I will show you how I made that soon too! The bamboo tray is cool, haven’t decided how I am going to transform it yet. The silver tissue box is going to be spray painted a fun color and put in Miss 16 Year Old’s Bathroom. The lazy little sombrero guy is too cute for school, and I am not touching him! He is already hanging out somewhere in my house, making me long for those lazy days of summer. I’ll show you where he landed soon!
Well, folks, that is all for today! If you would like to see all of my Trashtastic Tuesday projects, you can find them by clicking here. You will find links back to the original post on each project . Thanks for stopping by today! Come back next Tuesday for more Trashtastic Tuesday!
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