Before writing a single word, I want to say that my thoughts and prayers go out to the people who were affected by the horrific act of terrorism in Boston, MA yesterday. It is a terrible tragedy and a very sad day. It is difficult to write a silly little blog post when you start thinking about all that is wrong in the world. But I guess if you sit around and dwell about it then that is not a good thing either. I guess for me, I just try to be the best person I can be, and to raise my children to be the best people they can be. I think if we could all do that, then the world might be a better place. But it just doesn’t work that way, does it?
I woke up this morning not feeling so good, so I decided to take a sick day. I went back to bed and actually slept in! I never do that! I had a lazy and relaxing morning, and then decided to do a little laundry. that was going just fine, until my dryer stopped working! I had planned on sitting down this afternoon to write my Trashtastic Tuesday post, and that never happened because I spent too much time trying to get my dryer to work. I finally had to call Sears, and they are coming to look at it in the morning. There are 5 people in our family- 5! Do you have any idea how much laundry that adds up to, especially with a boy who is involved in sports. If I go 2 days without doing laundry, I am behind. I do laundry every single day of my life. I feel like I am never caught up with it. It is a never ending cycle. Thankfully, the children’s grandmother came over and picked up their dirty laundry and took it home with her. We ended up purchasing the warranty on it, which cost $200, because it was going to cost $75 just for the guy to knock on our door! The warranty will pay for the service charge and whatever needs fixed up to $500. Plus it is good for one year, so we figured if we are already out $75, and we will have to pay for him to actually fix it, it was a smart idea to just purchase that. I’ll let you know how that turns out!
So back to the reason for this post- Trashtastic Tuesday! Welcome! If you have never seen this series, and would like to check out all of my trashtastic Tuesday posts, click here. Today, we are talking horse! Which makes me think of Mr. Ed, do you remember that show? “A horse is a horse of course of course”! Anyhoo, I bought this wooden carousel horse at Goodwill a while back, and it has been sitting around awaiting a makeover, but I just could not get inspired to do it, for the longest time. I just had no vision for it. So I finally decided to tackle it, and it turned out really really cute! Wanna see?
Like how you dressed up the pole! I like it!
Shelly- minettesmaze.blogspot.com