Hey all! Welcome to Trashtastic Tuesday! This is a little series around here where I show you something that I thrifted, sometimes I make it over, sometimes I don’t. Or it may be something that I have owned and I am tired of, or no longer like, so I make it over. But nevertheless, it is usually something that I paid very little money for. My project for today couldn’t be much easier. Seriously people, so very simple! I bought this little pitcher at Goodwill a couple of years ago. I left it as it was for a couple of years, but the color was starting to get on my nerves, so I decided to slap some white chalk paint on it and give it a little distressing. Here it is before as part of my fall buffet a while back.
And here it is now, so much better, right? I just think it is the sweetest little pitcher now! I used Americana Decor chalky finish paint by Decor Art that I purchased from Home Depot, and then I waxed it with their clear creme wax.
I know this post is supposed to be all about Trashtastic Tuesday and my chalkpainted pitcher, but can I just say that my new camera rocks? I bought my new camera out of necessity because my old one bit the dust while we were on vacation. I still haven’t truly figured out how to use it (I am using the auto setting it has) but the pictures are coming out so much more amazing! At this point I must say, I think biting the bullet and finally buying a really good camera was the best thing I could have done for my little blog at this point! So exciting! I need to take a photography class.
Painting this pitcher was so easy that my 7 year old could have done it. I painted on two coats of the chalkpaint. I have to say, I used a small brush, and I wasn’t digging the brush strokes it was leaving. So, for the second coat I used a small sponge brush to try to get rid of the brush strokes, but that didn’t really work either. And also, at this juncture I should admit one tiny little thing. The paint was starting to get thick, and I used it anyway. Actually, before the second coat, I mixed in a little water with it and stirred it up really well. I don’t really know if I should have done that or not, and I don’t really care honestly, because this pitcher is from Goodwill and it really wasn’t that big of a deal to me. But the water seemed to do the trick in thinning the paint back out to a better consistency.
After the two coats of paint was completely dry, I used a sanding sponge and sanded the entire vase down to smooth it out a bit ( as I said, the paint was a little thick on the first coat, and I wasn’t loving it) The sanding I did really smoothed the Rough spots and lumps out very well, and then I used the same sanding sponge to distress the paint right off in a few places, like the front and around the rim.
Believe it or not, I actually love it now that all is said and done. There for a little while, I thought she was a goner, but I brought her back to life, even after the too thick chalk paint and the brush strokes, it still turned out absolutely adorable! After the paint was done and the sanding was done, don’t forget, I did add one coat of clear wax, waited for it to dry, and buffed it with a clean rag. And now, it feels as smooth as butta!
So, have you noticed the rustic and awesome table that my little cutie pie pitcher is sitting on in most of these pictures? If you haven’t seen it before you can read all about it here!
I even distressed a couple of tiny little spots where the yellow of the pitcher is showing through. I just can’t tell you how much more I like this pitcher now than I did when it was yellow! I think it is totally trashtastic! What do you think? I would love to read your thoughts in the comment section below, I read every single one!
Thanks for joining me at Trashtastic Tuesday today! If you like today’s post, please feel free to check out all of my other Trashtastic Tuesday projects. Have a great Tuesday!
Do you have champagne taste and a tiny budget like me? Love fashion, DIY, crafting, all things vintage and thrifty? Stick with me, I’ve got you covered!
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