Hey all! Welcome to Trashtastic Tuesday! This is a little series around here where I show you something that I thrifted, sometimes I make it over, sometimes I don’t. Or it may be something that I have owned and I am tired of, or no longer like, so I make it over. But nevertheless, it is usually something that I paid very little money for.
For Trashtastic Tuesday today, instead of showing you a project, I wanted to show you some of my thrift store finds. Often times, I purchase things at thrift stores that are knick knacks or decorations, and I don’t dedicate an entire blog post to them. But I still think they are worth sharing because in case you don’t realize it, you can find fabulous things at thrift stores! If you don’t believe me, just check out the fantastic Mid Century Modern record player that I purchased at Goodwill and shared last week!
It didn’t look like that when I bought it, but I turned it into something that I consider fabulous!
So, I am going to show you some of my thrift store finds, and how I use them in my décor today, sound fun? I hope so! This lidded bowl was $3. It has no markings on it whatsoever, so I am guessing someone made this in a ceramics class or something. I like the detail and the colors. I bought this at a thrift store called The Loft, in Morgantown, WV. I always try to stop in there when I go to Morgantown, and I always find something!
It doesn’t really make any difference to me how much this bowl with the lid is worth or where it is from, because I really like it, and I love the way it looks on my MCM furniture. Cute, right?
I bought these brass candlesticks at the same store -The Loft- in Morgantown. I paid less than $1 each for them. I actually used to own a pair exactly like these and got rid of them years ago. But brass is back people! And I can use these in so many different ways and spaces.
Here they are on top of my bookshelves, which sit right at the top of our staircase when you enter our home. I haven’t even put candles in them yet, but I still like them here. I do plan to purchase a couple of pillars for them though.
I wish you could see these two little vases in person. I purchased them at The Loft as well, for $1 each. They don’t have any markings on them either, but they are so blingy and sparkly in person! They have these etchings in them that sparkle in the light, I don’t know how to even describe them in words.
I am not using these two vases side by side. One of them is in our entry way next to my DIY Love Canvas. And the other one is on that same bookshelf that you saw the brass candlesticks on above. That bookshelf is hard for me to photograph, I don’t know why. It just never seems to look as good in pictures as it does in person.
Next is this white pedestal bowl. It looks like milk glass, but I am pretty certain it isn’t. But I still like the shape of it, and the fact that it is white. I paid like 50 cents for it at Goodwill, and I am imagining a springy flower arrangement will look really cute in it when the time comes.
But for now, it is hanging out on that very same bookshelf.
And then there is this blue glass bottle. This also has no markings on it whatsoever, but does that stop me from loving it? Heck no! I grabbed this thing up so fast it would make your head spin. It was one of those shopping moments where I was frantically trying to get over to it before someone else grabbed it. This I found at the Habitat for Humanity Store in Morgantown ( which is right next to The Loft for you locals). It was $1. I just think it is so darn pretty! And it is currently residing on the windowsill just above the bathtub in our master bath.
And this pretty little Lennox vase (on the right) was sitting right next to the blue bottle at the Habitat store for $1. I just happen to love Lennox, and was quite surprised to find it at the Habitat store. At Goodwill, I can almost guarantee you it would have been for sale for more than $1.
And here they both are on the windowsill in our master bath. In case you are wondering, I stuff the cord from our bamboo blinds down into this jar when I put the blinds up, so that is what the strings are coming out of it.
And lastly, I bought this basket at The Loft as well, for like a quarter. For now, I am trying it out on the side of our bathtub, and it holds soap and the like. I am considering giving it a paint job, but just can’t spray paint things right now due to the weather.
And I just like this view, so there you go! Do you like my trashtastic thrift store finds? Do you know anything about any of these items that you would like to share with me? If so, please do in the comments!
Thank you for joining me today for Trashtastic Tuesday! If you would like to check out my other Trashtastic Tuesday posts, you can click here. Here is a quick look at a couple of my past Trashtastic Tuesday projects.
Have a great Tuesday!

This is where I party:
Lou Lou girls Fabulous party
Wow us Wednesdays// Work it Wednesday
A Few Thrifty Finds
Weekend Retreat // Frugal Friday// Freedom Fridays
Found and Foraged// Show me Saturdays
DIY Sunday Showcase// That DIY Party
Amaze Me Monday// Inspiration Monday
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