Welcome to Trashtastic Tuesday! It has been a couple of weeks since I have been able to do a trashtastic post, because I have been crazy busy. Today’s Trashtastic projects was simple, useful, fun, and cheap! This is the second project I have done using soup cans, and we ate the soup before, so they were kind of free, right? I would have thrown them away. If you would like to view the other way that I re purposed a soup can click here. I am going to make this short and sweet because I am off to watch my son run in the Harrison County Championship track meet tonight. wish him luck.
Is it possible for a 5 year old son to be a hoarder? Because I am pretty sure Mr. 5 year old is just that! He collects everything under the sun, including rocks and tree branches, which you will see shortly. He even digs things out of our garbage! I told him last night that if we never threw anything away we would be hoarders. He said “what is that”? Ha! Anyway, he kept bringing rocks into our house and putting them on the shelf in his room, and it was driving me crazy! I needed something to contain his collection, so I decided to paint some soup cans and make them look pretty, and voila! Rock collection holders! Check them out below!
I swear, his collections of everything under the sun are going to be death of me! But I think this was a cute little solution to a bothersome eye sore. His room is in for a major purge come summer while I am off. We have some toys to get rid of! And there is a probably a big boy bed in his future, right now he is still in his toddler bed. Take care! I am off to the meet!Please check out my Trashtastic Tuesday page, full of all of the trashtastic Tuesday posts I have ever done!
I am linking up here:
His collection is sweet:) An your cans add charm to it. Don't worry, because if he is a hoarder then my little Miss is too- she would not allow me to throw away any of the long time dead flowers and she is also collecting branches and sticks;/
I am glad to know it is not just my little one! Ha!
Ia gre, and at a young age he already knows how to appreciate something! I wonder who takes it from…. hmmm… maybe… dad?! Hahaha! Love the idea dear, you can add more cans at no cost to you!
He definitely does know that! He gets attached to everything! My two older ones were not like that at all! He is such a sweetie pie!
Hi! Thanks for sharing on BRAG ABOUT IT with BeBetsy on Tuesdays! Great website and the can re-purpose is so much fun. Sharon and Denise
Thanks to you both for hosting the party!