When we got it home, Mr. 14 Year old helped LC carry it into the garage, and he wasted no time in telling me what a piece of crap it was, and how the TV cabinet we had was way nicer than this one (it was a Target special, not solid wood). I told him I was going to make it look brand new, not to fret, and then I mentioned that it was a record player, and I could see his mind changing, he thought that part was really cool. But he still had doubts that I could make this look good. Here are a couple of before shots that I took of it in our dark garage. The front wasn’t in bad shape, it just had years of dirt and grime stuck in between all of these wood slats. The top was what was beat up. You can see on the back edge, where the arrow is pointing, that it was severely damaged, plus there were several stains. I concluded from the get go that I was going to sand off the finish on top and paint it.You can read the full tutorial for how I made over this cabinet here.
Update: Read the full tutorial for this makeover here
I would love to know what you think of this transformation! Please tell me in the comments. I am in love with this piece, and I know it will spend many years to come with our family. This is one of my favorite furniture transformations to date. I have asked myself a few times if this style of furniture goes in the same room as my rustic barn beam mantle and Airstone fireplace surround. But you know what? When I sit in my living room looking at the whole thing, I love the way it looks. And so does LC, and a home is supposed to be a reflection of the people who live there, right? So I am just fine with it. After all, I call my design style eclectic, modern polished casual, and I think it all just fits.
Have a great weekend!
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Hi Nicki. Brilliant post, nicely done. The transformation of your vintage player was awesome. Thank you for sharing.