Welcome to my What I Wore Wednesday post! This is the day of the week when I link up my weekly outfits to The Pleated Poppy. And I hate to disappoint, but I only have two outfits for you this week. We had one snow day last week, and two so far this week, so I have spent most of the past week in my ugly clothes. You don’t want to see them, trust me. I thought about saving these for next week, but I know how you all look so forward to this post every week, that I decided to put what little I have out there! And if you know me at all, you know that I was being totally sarcastic in that last sentence, ha! Anyway, enjoy!
I forgot to mention this morning that I am over on JOYful Home and Life today sharing my painted subway tile backsplash. This DIY project has been my most popular project I have done so far, so run over there and check it out if you have a second!
Happy hump day!
Link Parties:
Style Elixir
The Pleated Poppy
Get Your Pretty On
Because Shanna Said So
Simply Just Lovely
Mix and Match Fashion
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